R.K.Narayan's Malgudi |
How has R.K. Narayans work influenced ones love and passion for reading and writing?
Here are some perspectives in this months Roundtable. Share yours in the comments section below.
Chitra Divakaruni
"I have loved RK Narayan's work ever since I read his short stories as a teenager. Then as now, I was impressed by his ability to write something that seemed lucid and simple and yet caught hold of the reader's imagination and would not let go.
Obviously, I realized, there was something true and timeless beneath the simplicity. I also appreciated, more and more as I grew up and was exposed to contemporary literature, how wholesome his books and characters were, and how gentle yet true his humor was. His heroes and heroines were good, decent people--caught in difficult situations, perhaps, and making the wrong decisions--who wanted to lead good, decent lives.
Chitra Divakaruni |
Many years later when I became a writer, I carried these ideas from Narayan's work and hoped to weave them into my stories and novels: the world is ultimately a beautiful place filled with amazing things, in spite of heartbreaking tragedies. People are basically good and likeable in spite of their dark sides. They are fun to read about and learn from, and at the least expected moments, they can turn out to be surprisingly heroic."
Chitra Divakaruni is an award-winning fiction writer and poet. She teaches Creative Writing at the University of Houston. Some of her novels are: Sister of My Heart, Mistress of Spices, Palace of Illusions, and One Amazing Thing.
Clark Blaise
"I married India in 1963 (the novelist Bharati Mukherjee) when we were both students in the Iowa Writers Workshop. I didn't integrate India into my life, however, until 1970 (after two children, Bharati's dissertation and the move to Montreal), when we spent a summer with Bharati's parents in Bombay. I fell ill and bedridden with hepatitis almost immediately, too fatigued even to read. But three years later I was itching for a second crack at India, attending a film seminar on Satyajit Ray (run by Ray's French sub-titlelist, Father Gaston Roberge, a French-Canadian Jesuit (who, now in his nineties, is still active in Calcutta film circles), and I was trying to make a dent into my fairly solid wall of Indian ignorance.
Clark Blaise |
I think it Narayan's style, the fluidity of the sentences that kept me reading through that stack of novels, an innocent literary-tourist, even without understanding their underlying message.
It took Bharati's prodding for me to see, and then appreciate, the stern lessons under the simple truths. Non-attachment, even from a doting father to his wayward son in The Financial Expert; who's the man-eater in The Man-Eater of Malgudi? Can a deceitful guide who knows nothing of his job be a Guide in a different world? For that matter, who's the Mahatma, in Waiting for the Mahatma?
In Malgudi, there is always duality, the obvious and the hidden, nothing really happens—or everything is unfolding in a blink of a godly eye—but a meaning is revealed. I'm sure there must be parallels in other literatures, perhaps in Chekhov, in which "simplicity" enfolds such endless enrichment. But Narayan is the magician-king behind the curtain."
Clark Blaise is the author, most recently, of The Meagre Tarmac, linked stories about Indian immigrants in North America. In all, he is the author of three novels, ten collections of stories, and eight works of non-fiction. He lives with his wife in New York and San Francisco.
Sudha Menon
"It is difficult to put a finger on how exactly R.K.Narayan influenced me . It is almost the same as being asked to describe how reading Tagore or Dostoevsky or Jane Austen influenced me.
Growing up in a home where the
written word was religion, where table tops and counter-spaces were taken up by
piles of books bought by my father
from the family’s tight budget , we kids grew up being exposed to a dazzling
diversity of thought and writing
styles. Our father read everything that he could lay his hands on and, by
default, so did we. Amma had a tough time getting us to focus on our school
studies because we were too busy at the ages of 8 or 9, trying to figure out
complexities of Anna Karenina or Dr. Zhivago.
Sudha Menon |
R.K.Narayan had his own place
in our word-rich lives. His stories
of young children , their small preoccupations and their cocooned
existence in their little village held a charm for us children growing up in
our small apartment in a big city, where life was much more cloistered and challenging.
I longed to break free from the monotony of school with its structured tyranny,
its sneering teachers who made an average child feel even more average than she
really was and sometimes, my child’s soul would escape through the windows, off
to Malgudi, when Math was being taught in class. Not surprisingly, I never did
make a mark in the Math studies, except if you count the ugly red markings made
by the teacher, while grading my performance in the subject. I survived, like
Narayan himself, who was not a very good student in school or college.
And even it if was only later
that I put a pattern to Narayan’s writings and figured out that a large portion
of his writing was about people unhappy with their place in life, I identified
with the characters in his books and felt a mysterious connect with them.
Malgudi to me represented the
world I would have liked to belong. Even today, when his stories have largely
faded in my mind, I remember how fascinated I was by the simple innocence of
life in the village that he wove his stories around. R.K.Narayan’s stories
represent a world and an age of innocence that is long gone from our lives.
Yes, he wrote more complex stories of growing up and adult relationships ,
pain, loss, the feeling of being betrayed by life … but to me Narayan was all about Swami and Malgudi and a
happiness that only children can find in the chaotic world around them.
In some ways, Malgudi and
Narayan was also about how I found happiness. Between the ages of 8-14 my happiness index shot up
considerably during the two vacations that the family took in Kerala, to
coincide with the Diwali break and summer holidays. Each year, we took the
36-hour train journey from Mumbai to Trissur in Kerala and my constant companions
on sultry afternoon spent lolling on the veranda in my grand mothers house in a
coastal village in Malapuram district, were Narayan’s book. While the family
snoozed after a generous lunch , I would grab my position on the red polished
ledge on the veranda and lose myself in the adventures of Swami , his friends
and the peculiarities and eccentricities of the people inhabiting their world.
Sometimes the wind whistling through the coconut trees and the mango orchards
would lull me off into a deep slumber and I would be transported to Malgudi
itself, where I would join Swami and his cronies in their meanderings , till the aroma of ammama’s delicious ‘pazam
pori ‘(sweet friend banana fritters) and tea woke me up.
I would recommend Narayan’s
book as essential reading for every child that has ever liked reading a book .
And, especially , for those who have not shown a liking for reading. Try it."
Sudha Menon is the author of best-selling non-fiction book, Leading Ladies (www.leadingladies.in). She is also a columnist and a motivational speaker at eductional and corporate campuses where she talks about gender and diversity issues.
Have you read R. K. Narayan? How has his writing influenced you? What are some of your favorites? Please share your thoughts below in the comments section and keep this conversation going.
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